After a dramatic entry and almost killing everbody in shock, it appeared that Ajaz was not allowed to speak! He could just speak in gestures and actions. No wonder how inquisitive everone was! Especially his friend Ali, who looked very happy. All the housemates had lots of questions but since the information was not revealed, we had insatiable souls speculating in the house. However, in no time he started the job that he was there for. Just through actions he spoke a lot about Ali, which actually started putting him off! Not only that, Ajaz also went upto KT to tell about her over friendliness with Upen being questioned outside. Karishma didn't like it, she truly got upset and fumed in anger! She blabbered how it wasn't fair for someone else to question about the friends bond without knowing them closely.
Just few minutes and so much of havoc in the house already.Ajaz is coming across as a very tough challenger!
Let's watch tonight what is his actual game plan!