Seemingly Gautam and Upen are enjoying each other’s company these days. The two sat in the garden early in the morning discussing some of the serious events that happened in the house recently. Gautam, whose relation with Karishma has slightly improved off late; felt bad for KT not being able to meet her mother for some silly reasons, which were nothing closer to a mother-daughter relationship. Upen nodded in agreement, as even Gautam met his mother after more than two long months. And he could sense how it feels when you think of reuniting with your loved ones. Gautam said that earlier he felt that if he got chance to meet his loved ones or family that would make him go weak, but his notion completely changed after meeting and hugging his mother. Upen said family members or loved ones always empower them! They in turn start acting like strength rather becoming weakness.
Pritam joined them once again with his tippani over Upen this time, revealing how much he likes dusky girls! Oo is it Mr.Hottiee? Am sure all the dusky ladies out there would die to hear this coming from you. Please say that once infront of the camera. Also, when asked if Gautam was interested in girls or not, he said yes! He would love to get married once he is out of the house.Ahem! I need to look out for Diandra…
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