Remember yesterday how provocative Ali was towards Gautam? Today his earnest desire came true when Gautam created a scenario. During morning, Gautam was making fun of Ali mentioning the ‘Mouth to Mouth breathing’ he was asking from people around, the day he was attacked by Ajaz. Not just Gautam, but almost everyone in the house mocked this act of his post the incident. But, since Ali was anyway looking for an opportunity wherein he could nab Gautam for some reason, an upset Ali got infuriated when he saw Gautam not bothering to be careful as he said all that.
In a fit of rage, Ali just went upto Gautam and started abusing him. Gautam remained unaffected and unmoved, as he danced and sang song with ‘Takla’ in the lyrics and sang it in a loop just to tease Ali. Everyone knows that Gautam does this purposely, making situations work against him. He continues teasing people inspite of knowing they may not like the same. Ali went absolutely mad as he screamed at Gautam on top of his voice, while Gautam held his cool!
Suddenly I noticed Ali approaching Gautam furiously in an attempt to hit him hard, but Pritam and Rahul ran towards him to stop Ali. They dragged Ali outside to make him understand that he couldn’t create violence, as a similar mishap in the house had already taken a contestant away recently. Ali broke down completely, clearly expressing his hurt and agitation for everything which was believed to be his acting. As he calmed down after sometime people tried to make him eat his food but Ali kept refusing.
But then I noticed Gautam taking the plate and reaching out to Ali, who was sitting quiet outside. Gautam told Ali, “Khana khaa le, khaane se kya naraazgi?”
Ali had refused everyone but what happened when Gauatm reached out? What was Ali’s reaction?
Catch the action filled episode tonight at 9 pm!