Breaking: Are Gautam and Diandra breaking-up (their friendship)?
  • posted by
  • ColorsTv
  • last updated on
  • December 11, 2014
  • at
  • 1:38 pm

Things aren’t the same between Gautam and Diandra after last night's party. Post what their guests, friends and well wishers said, the couple was a little alert and hurt and both were found discussing this with each other while cooking it the kitchen. But then I saw Diandra, who was almost in tears, when  Gautam told her how people have misunderstood their friendship in the wrong way. He added saying that they should immediately stop getting too close, which certainly meant not coochie-cooing at all!


Diandra was too hurt to hear that coming from Gauti and as she replied saying he was being swayed by people's words and was no more believing what kind of bond they share. She said that he was acting mean to which Gautam said he didn’t mean to make her feel bad about their relation but just that they both would need to take efforts together to change the mind set of people who think the other way round.


Gautam later went to Puneet  seeking his advise. Puneet gave his frank opinion that he believes what's actually between the two, but they both would need to be very careful and wise hence forth ensuring nobody had wrong perception about their true friendship.


I didn’t see the lovey-dovy couple until a day back together for the whole day post that!


What’s next in store for the two?Any thoughts?


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