It was extremely sweet to notice how restless Puneet remained through the night and also the next day as Gautam, stayed on his seat under the open sky during the freezing night. And you know what? Puneet couldn’t take proper nap due to this. He kept coming to him asking if he needed something, if he was thirsty or hungry. It was quite touching! No doubt this man cares for him like anything and the compassion he carries all along.
The next morning too, Punzz was found doing rounds and looked a little more worried to see him sit at a stretch for so long already. Though, both Karishma and Gautam avoided eating and drinking much, Gautam requested for his favourite Nutella that Punzz offered eagerly .Gautam said he didn’t require anything else and he could survive on it too. Karishma was seen having sugar only as to avoid sickness and low blood pressure she had actually started looking a little weak. But Puneet kept himself on toes not only taking care of only Gautam but Karishma too.
These two don’t seem to give up. Wow! And this is certainly making the whole game even more interesting.
Support your favorite,Gautam or Karishma tonight at 9 pm!