Diandra had sensed something in the morning that it was going to be a boring day, so, she thought of tricking the housemates. As she has not been keeping well for past few days she received a letter from Big Boss’s side that she would be required to visit the doctor for her routine checkup. She thought to use this as a prank as many didn’t know she was going out of the house for some time.
She approached Gautam with a gloomy look saying “I want to tell you something”. Gauti who is on high alert and is maintaining physical distance (haha!) with Di asked her what the matter was. Diandra in a low tone stated that she was going to leave the house the same day. A little surprised Gautam asked her why, she said for past few days she has been going through enough emotionally and was at a physically strenuous stage which is taking a toll over her health. She asked him to keep this under wraps and not to mention this to anybody, which Gautam said wasn’t possible. Diandra pretended to be very emotional at that point in time, as she walked off wiping her tears. Gautam a little confused and dicey about her words went ahead and spoke about this with Dimpy and Praneet. Seemingly all three fell for it! Though on second thoughts they doubted too as they said they overheard Karishma giving Big Boss’s letter to Diandra about the doctor.
Diandra came to the bedroom as she smirked at the camera saying how Gautam was talking about it with others and she was truly enjoying seeing people actually worried about her leaving the house.
Di’ you are so good at it!! I wonder you not being into acting until now! I am sure after this act you will receive hell lot of offers!
Know what happens when Gautam gets to know the truth. Stay tuned tonight at 9 pm!