In a friendly conversation with Renee, Gautam shared about how he grew up, talking about his school life he said when he was in 9th Std. he had a huge crush on a girl who was in 11th std. but after a few days it was clear that she was the daughter of the school principal! I hope Gautam just did what he did with the ‘Police waale ki beti’ recently. Heehee! I mean to say backing out simply!
Renee at the same time reminisced her teenage days and mentioned that she loves to dance and is a trained ‘Kathak Dancer’. She has in fact won several awards and one of the biggest achievements being her receiving National award in Katthak from ex prime minister Mr.I.K Gujral! Wow Renee, You are so talented! I wish you could show more of your talent bit than getting into these unnecessary quarrels and gossips. I Am sure by this you can make all of us proud of you even more.
But, I am skeptical about Renee being loyal with her friend Gautam. As she often goes and vomits out everything in front of the girlie gang. Though, Gautam seems to have a hint of it, I wonder if he is going to take some action against her.What do you think?
Keep watching for more gossips!