After the whole dog-fight that happened last night Dimpy and Pritam were seen in absolute emotional prostration. Especially Dimpy, who had a swollen face for she cried the entire night. Apparently last night a playful fight went insane when Ali didn’t take Upen’s fun lightly. Getting a little physical both got into a serious squabble! On the other hand, Pritam and Dimpy got into an ugly spat too wherein they both didn’t refrain from abusing each other. All this happened when Dimpy jokingly tried poking Pritam despite been given repeated warning. The scene took an instant awful turn when Dimpy spoke out a cuss phrase which she shouldn’t have said. Absolutely infuriated, Pritam got back from the seat and walked upto her telling her things getting totally out of control.
Bigg Boss called both of them next morning one after the other, asking them to express what they felt about the entire thing that happened last night advising them also on how they should project themselves as the audience and fans have a close watch on them. Especially, while using wrong words and losing self control! Dimpy was found continuously sobbing as she expressed how thankful she was to have a word with Bigg Boss himself and that it was just him who could understand her. She even asked questions like was she really provocative? At the same time Pritam too had his lessons received! He felt sorry for his act. Last I saw both of them apologizing with each other and making up for all their mistakes!
Let’s see till when this goes on! Have they really forgiven each other? What you have to say?
You will miss a lot if you miss tonight’s episode!