So this was the captaincy task for the week. As Ali had received a benefit already due to initial task's victory.Big Boss announced for the next captaincy activity,each and everyone in the house was eligible, however Ali gott the chance to sit on the 'Chair' first. Tthe chair was to determine who would become the next captain. As per the task, whoever sat on the chair at a stretch without moving could win. Also if during the given time span if the person left the chair any other housemate could grab the opportunity to sit and disqualify the previous person.
Ali kept sitting the whole night. Though it was the tough job but also avoided nature's call too. During the morning as Ali stood for a fraction of a second to stretch his limbs, Dimpy who had all eyes on the 'Kursi' pounced to grab the seat. Both had an argument but nobody moved. As all could hear the warning alarm just before half an hour of completion of the task the duo on the chair remained still.
Ultimately after the final buzzer,Big Boss left it on the housemates to decide who was the real winner among st the two!
Guess who you think would have won the task?
Be right back!