The next segment of the Luxury Budget task was all about winning the living area. The two contenders chosen to do the next activity were Mahek and Dimpy from opposite teams.The activity area had a setup of platform having a wall parting it. The two contenders had to stand on either side of the wall. The wall had number of boxing gloves attached at each end of the rods that pierced through the wall. The chosen contenders had to push the boxing gloves from their ends in order to make the other person on the other side of the wall loose balance and fall from the platform. Mahek and Dimpy played the task very well but for a long time when none of the two gave up Bigg Boss asked another two contenders from both the teams to do it. This time Gautam and Rahul took over the task,when just in few seconds Gautam punched his way in making Rahl ltopple from the narrow platform.
Bed room and washroom areas are still up to be conquered.Time has almost arrived when one team will be victorious in capturing the maximum area! Which team will do that? Champions or Challengers?
Catch all the fun filled tasks tonight!