As both the thieves and the guards took their stands blaming each other on playing the task the unfair way, the entire activity came to a standstill. Burglars blamed the guards on being unjust by hiding the Diamond in order to keep it safe, which was not mentioned in the rule book of the task, however the guards denied they did something like that. It was a clear cut partition inside the house, as good as cold war wherein nobody spoke much. In fact, one of the guards like Sonali preferred to mingle with the chorrs.
The chorrs complained that until the diamond returned to its original position, they wouldn’t even think of resuming the game. During mid evening, I could sense a pin drop silence inside the house as nobody moved much, there were still couple of items to be flicked as the rest were taken care during last night by Gautam. To break the silence, Diandra started banging a sauce pan with a spoon to make some noise in the house also in order to blow off Ali who was around at that time. It was a constant noise which tested Ali’s patience. Just in few seconds later, Ali grabbed a bigger utensil and hit it with an object as hard as he could, Diandra pretended to enjoy dancing on the rhythm as she stood on the kitchen platform to dance, Karishma and Sonali, who got inside hearing the noise objected her doing so and asked her to get off the platform as they keep food over it.
Praneet, KT, Sonali and Ali discussed about this entire situation later, and for the rarest of rare time patted on back of Ali in giving Diandra a good lesson without uttering a word. They appreciated him. I could see Ali’s heart screaming yayyyyyieee! But do you know Diwaaron ke bhi kaan hote hain?? No, really! As these people discussed,Upen stuck his ear just on the opposite side of the wall in order to hear about what they were plotting. Eventually, he heard Praneet saying “Inka maansik santulan bigad chukka hai”
What will happen once Upen communicates this with others?
Stay tuned!