Under the 'Gautam city' task, we had seen Gautam, Puneet and Dimpy having the most fun in the house. But in their wildest of dreams they hadn't imagined that there would be a revolt against him in the house (It was a task given to the housemates by Bigg Boss). It was all of a sudden when the trio saw rest of the housemates in full action rebelling against the dictator and thought that the praja was doing this purposely to trouble the Dictator (as Gautam knew nobody likes him). The three didn’t have even slightest of idea that even others were trying to do their task as sportingly as Gautam and his Royal Guards were.
Well Gauti you got double-tricked on this one! You felt it’s only you who could play the game? Neahhh! But trust me the way you showed your love, concern and affection towards others, even they reciprocated the same somewhere, as even they tried to play this happily forgetting the personal gila-shikwa. Everytime when Gautam felt happy about the housemates doing the task with perfection, he would send his Royal cuisine for them. But when he saw what his praja did to his posters, he was completely shocked! In fact even Puneet the ‘Master-mind’ fell for it this time, thinking that they wanted to close all of this. Gautam came running teary eyed in front of all as he genuinely cared for everyone.
It was only after the revolt was successfully accomplished, they told Gautam about their part of the task putting a smile on Gautam's face. It was 'The Moment' after a long time where everyone came and hugging Gautam with a genuinely warm smile and a pat on his back. And yes! They completed their task successfully for the first time ever. Gautam looked extremely touched by everyone's warm gestures towards him.
All this made me believe that dreams do come true!
Over ‘n’ Out