Seemingly, Rahul has found his favourite inmate in the house, Karishma, while we also saw Dimpy feeling little upset because of the same. Rahul keeps chasing Karishma the whole day. Today, while Karishma and Rahul cooked in the kitchen, Rahul went on sharing how men should be responsible and understanding towards the families. He said that although he jokes and chills around most of the time, but he certainly understands the intricacies of life. He further added saying how he is very good at handling children and could manage them with lots of ease and care! And all this while all KT did was replying in monosyllabic Huhh and hmmm…I wonder why is Rahul trying so hard to impress KT as she had dropped enough hints of being absolutely uninterested?
Rahul was all ears when KT shared about her struggles in life, coming a middle class family. She honestly shared that she had set a benchmark for herself and she would want a man who is at equal status or above, which is what she felt she deserved! No doubt KT darling! Pritam, who joined the conversation said that Karishma was absolutely right if she believed what she was just mentioning.
The real finale is round the corner, now who will become the best player would be decided irrespective of what one feels for oneself, because this would be the decision by the janta .
Janta,what do you think, who your winner is?