As Farah kept the contestants engrossed in the conversation through ‘Me TV’, cutting it in between she asked all of them to go outside in the garden. With a question mark on their faces, the housemates went outside to find the Airporty Jallad walking in with the big cargo.What was in it? In no time they all found the fourth challenger ‘Mehek Chahal’ popping out of it! Yes, the same lean and pretty lass who created enough sparks in season 5! The moment she walked in she spoke about the ‘Girl power’ as against to ‘Boys Boys’ slogan!
After a while all I could hear was a Police siren! As I rushed along with the housemates to see what happened,I saw from my binoculars someone climbing from the other side of the wall with a brief case! Also a ladder placed in the garden so that the person could come down! Zooming in,I found Rahul Mahajan waving hand from the rooftop. This was the ishtyle of Rahul’s entry! (The same way Rahul in season 2 with other contestants tried absconding from the house climbing the wall)
Ajaz and Dimpy made fun of everyone in the house on how all reacted or let's say over-reacted on Rahul’s entry in the house, as if they have known Rahul since ages! Especially pointing at Pritam,Gautam and Ali the duo laughed uncontrollably.
Now there were five challengers inside the house,and Bigg Boss declared the five remaining contestants of season as the Champions! Farah stated how the 5 Vs 5 would compete against each other also she asked them to get the ‘Report card’ board on which they would score the opposite team.
Catch the takkar starting off tonight 9 pm!