Looked like each one got into the skin of the character in the task too much. I didn’t find anyone sitting even for single moment on the first day of the task. Ya ya! Even Praneet didn’t take a nap! !
It was almost eight hours and due to the strict watch on the meuseum items, security guards were successful in keeping all the historic pieces safe. As opposed to the thieves, who were losing the battle badly. Karishma was trying some dance moves to distrakct the guards, and as she ran towards the main glass door she banged her head to the latch which hurt her bad. She fell on the ground almost blacked out, her forehead bled profusely. It was a sudden panic moment wherein all shouted for doctor! KT was immediately called inside the confession room and was given the first aid. She cried in pain, but everything was under control she had a minor cut which lead to two stitches on her forehead.
This reminds me of Sonali, Diandra, Renee and Deepshikha. All of them had hurt themselves in the house. Doctor said everything was fine and nothing to worry about. She was given medicines and pain killers.
Everybody surrounded KT to comfort her, forgot about the task for a moment but eventually she did laugh and was back in action.
Sonali and Gautam again had child like fight,wherein Sonali shouted at Gautam while making rotiz on certain topic, in agitation she also said that she would throw them on his face which irked Gautam making him shout in return “Main tumhaari issi aadat ki wajeh se tumhaare paas nahi aata” Sonali in temper said to Puneet she will not make rotiz and walked off!
Phewww…too much for the day!
Get well soon KT!