It’s been a long journey for all. Karishma, who was still sitting on the chair for the Hijack task said how her beau actually persuaded her to give a shot to Bigg Boss show, as she was too fearful earlier to be part of the same.Oh really KT? You never showed any trace of fear ever and from anybody. She told about the qualities that got her attracted to her boyfriend. She even mentioned how he hates accepting gifts at all. Narrating on an incident where she wanted to surprise him with a gift and as he refused how that put her into tears. She said that she was missing him miserably as it had been quite a long and she hadn’t seen him.
Sometimes looking at Karishma's tender side puts me into thoughts if she is the same girl up with all the drama all the time? She also proudly stated how he loves watching her walking in heals despite him being a few inches shorter than her.Awww how cute!! On a serious note she added that some boys look out for girls with motherly qualities in girls they want to take life ahead with and he found Karishma having those. KT looked quite assured that she could give everything as a parter as soon as she came out of the house for their future.Well! We can hope and wish the couple great luck and happiest of life together!
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