Funny guy Ali, who usually is in high spirits was seen very low today during the second half of the day. Though he didn’t show it to anybody, but he looked little disturbed post the argument he had with Dimpy. Apparently, he realized his mistake and how badly he had hurt her. Dimpy was seen repeatedly telling everyone that she had found him to be trustworthy, whatsoever might be the reason, but he shouldn’t have hurt her that way atleast. He lied to her that he will stand by her and take her name when the time comes for captain’s nominations.
Dimpy pretended to sleep covering her face when Ali told her how bad he was feeling to whatever had happened and the way he had hurt her. He said he genuinely realized his mistake that either he shouldn’t have promised her or should have proposed her name. Dimpy was in no mood to forgive him and she didn’t budge an inch. In fact Ali even said that he was feeling very lonely without her company. He said he should be given one chance to improve as they were real good buddies.
Will Dimpy’s heart melt? Will Ali be able to bring her back?
Watch it all @ 9 pm!