Looks like Praneet has not put his heart to the task! Early in the morning Praneet started yelling at the drop of the hat because he couldn’t stand Ali,who was wandering around Panditji dictating him to do things. Neah not out of his own will but ‘His Highness’ had asked him to do so. Praneet is known to loose his temper very easily. He wasn't being able to handle Gautam’s reign over the house and Ali acted as an added trouble. Ali irritated him even more when he told Praneet that he couldn’t talk about 'His Highness' by calling his name. He asked him to give Gautam the respect he deserved during the task. But Praneet denied everything that Ali asked him to do.
Just at the right time Gautam intervened and tried to calm both of them down. Gautam had already stopped to react on whatever Praneet had to tell about him and Ali, he had somewhere genuinely started trying to bring the same old feelings back towards each other.Chances are high that Ali might have been doing all this because he was chosen to be safe for the nominations. He has been seen playing the task enthusiastically all this while. Will he remain the same after the task gets over? Or will continue with his “aag lagaao” task which he plays alone. Hmmm! Looks can be deceptive,though his personality has a comical angle, but he might be the only one playing the most serious game.
Catch the second day of Gautam's sarkar in the house. Don’t miss tonight’s episode.