The latest rivalry between Pritam and the rest from the P3G gang has been taking turns to let each other down. Pretty apparent Puneet, Gautam and Dimpy not happy with this capatin, which has created so much fiasco and many more incidents after that. They said that some people cannot handle success and that Pritam is unable to handle his position as a captain. His ways in the house are making things go haywire. They feel that ever since he has become the captain, he is getting boisterous and too authoritative for no reason. They even mentioned that nobody could imagine they could see his real face.
Is is because now since hardly a month is left for the Grand Finale, this realization has made Pritam pull up his socks and play some real game?
The guards were anyway commenting about Pritam being the chor amongst the other chors. Gautam pointed out saying arrogance is wrong. In fact paraphrasing what he said, “Ghamand ka sarvanaash jald hi hota hai” .Who knew that Pritam would change so suddenly? But wouldn’t it be unfair to judge him so fast?
Let’s wait for a few days to see how things unfurl in this case!