These days’ housemates love copying Sonali’s slangs. Espcially, her over used word ‘Kantaal’ is a hot favorite with everyone! Whenever, they do not find Sonali around, they keep repeating “Mala kantaala aala aahe” making a mockery of her. Trust me it’s hilarious! So this morning, Sonali punished Upen and Dimpy to do ten rounds of the garden, but as she moved from the place Upen started using the line again and again humorously!
Hmmm do not to assume Sonali isn’t aware of all this, but she says “Who cares!”So Ali and Sonali were keenly observing the Bigg House covered with beautiful decors, they picked up a ‘Windchime’ supposedly sent as a decorative item by Bigg Boss, they put it up somewhere they felt was best suited, and made a personal request to Bigg Boss to not remove the Windchime as that symbolizes peace and harmony and the same should keep streaming inside the house until the end! Oh such sweet wish Sona-Ali !
Let’s hope and wish this Christmas brings only happiness and joy to all in the House and outside too!
Merry Christmas!!