So all the eyes were on these two girls. Ironically, Sonali and Nigaar were the ones pretty confident about not leaving the house in the morning, but the fact that the two were in the bottom two, left them absolutely speechless. In one of the candid moments, Sonali quipped infront of Salman how she maintains a love and hate relationship with Diandra. Di supported her saying that she was right and that she was even wearing one of her clothes at that very moment. Wow! That was nice to see them exchanging gestures, finally both of them agree too, what we assumed about their relation.
A task named ‘Pehchaan Kaun’ was introduced wherein each housemate had to give clues through adjectives to describe the contestant whose name he or she got in their envelopes. But Salman somewhere was not happy with the way they played the task and called it ‘A Flop’! Oh no! The second task for the evening was ‘Sach Ki Kursi’ which comprised of some of the contestants coming and giving opinions by a yes or a no or by raising placards with the names of contestants giving opinions on the questions thrown by Salman. It was hilarious to see the way Ali answered the questions for all the khunnass he carries for Karishma, that was one of the highlights which will be shown in today’s episode!
Eventually, the moment came where Salman confused the two nominees as in who was actually coming out of the house in his special style! That will be disclosed very soon, have patience!
Till then do whatever you want to do!