Though it was just the game that was on but Puneet passed on sarcastic comments on Ali as the latter was engaged in an attempt to steal. Puneet in fact even told him “Bohot bura danda khaayega mere se” which Ali ignored. It was quite apparent that Puneet tried provoking him once again but Ali took it maturely. In the meanwhile when I turned towards Pritam, I saw him giving justifications to Karishma and others asking what his real personality is and that can he ever be rude to ladies specially! Well, that is what we saw Pritam. Ali who had all ears on called someone a Pomerian dog relating to Pritam’s dispute.
Late in the night the fight between Pritam, Gautam and Puneet surpassed everything else that happened through out the day. Apparently the issue started off with Karishma and Dimpy as the former tried to keep the items in store room but Dimpy resisted her in doing so. In the meanwhile, Praneet made most of the opportunity by running and hiding one of the items inside as they fought. Upen intervened and tried to snatch the item from KT’s hands, during that one of those items dropped and broke. Praneet called captain Pritam to tell about the incident and out of nowhere Dimpy and Pritam got into a huge fight. As Gautam and Puneet monitored all this on screen they got inside to find them into spat, Puneet intervened in between questioning Pritam as to why was he talking to a woman like this! And that’s about it, Pritam completely lost his tolerance and the duo holding bitterness against each other for past couple of days. Pritam lost all his control as he felt Puneet abused him but he actually didn’t. Gautam joined in and this irked Pritam even more as to why was he being involved. Would you want to know if the matter settled or no?
Indeed one of the remarkable fights of the season!
Watch Big Boss 8 tonight!