Now with just eight housemates remaining in the thirteenth week of the season, we got to see how the housemates got chance to nominate each other in the most interesting ways- shocking, awkward, fun and everything one could ever guess being a contestant. And this time, it was the most difficult nomination. Bigg Boss sent in some black spray paint along with the beautiful pictures of the housemates. Each one was asked to paint two faces on the pictures black, with reasons to nominate them. Ouch! I wonder where does Bigg Boss get these ideas that can make the other person go furious? While everyone got a chance to do opponent ka Munh Kala, interestingly, Upen tried finishing the entire bottle on Ali’s picture! His act was speaking loud without him uttering a single word. Before that Ali had nominated Upen and this somewhere infuriated Upen’s anger to another level. Upen has become so unpredictable and impulsive off late that he takes everything so personally.
Surprise! Surprise! As opossed to almost the entire season, it was nice to see Gautam and Puneet safe from the nominations! Catch tonight’s episode as Sonali being the captain has got a special adhikaar to nominate one person who wasn’t nominated by anybody. Sonali looked truly happy to have that chance.Want to know who was the special one?
Catch Nomination special tonight!