Enough is enough! Being more than two and half months old in the house, Big Boss has observed housemates breaking house rules (sacrosanct for anyone living in the house) and for taking things for granted time and again. After being given repeated warnings, housemates paid no heed. Hence, to make them realize once again that they are part of BIG BOSS' house, inmates were called inside the living room for some reality check. Yes, they were shown their own videos wherein they had been found sleeping despite repeated alarms. Talking in English and also breaking rules by removing their mics while talking.
Guilt was quite evident on their faces, but this wasn’t all. Big Boss furiously also announced that due to this non compliant attitude and behavior they were all nominated for the week, except the captain of the house, Karishma. Shocking,ain’t it? In fact, the captain herself wasn’t spared, Big Boss pointed out that Karishma wasn’t taking her captaincy seriously when it came to keeping a close watch on rules in the house being followed or not. KT realized her mistake, in fact a little irked by all this, Karishma punished all the housemates to do ten rounds of the house. You think they all listened to her?
Now this wasn’t certainly expected by the housemates. Let’s see how seriously they take it going forward!