Last night Salman gave a huge responsibility to the housemates wherein through a twist in evictions they're getting to decide who will leave the house. Three of the nominated contestants, Diandra, Karishma and Ali have found some new found friends in the house and they have been declared safe. Now the evictions hang on the heads of Sonali, Dimpy and Puneet!
Last I saw Karishma discussing with Pritam on whom to evict between Puneet and Dimpy since she wants to get rid of both! Pritam, who has newly turned enemy of Puneet seems to be in dilemma and may just get swayed or let's say 'influenced' by Karishma. Also if you noticed Praneet was constantly naming Sonali in last night's episode. So does that mean officially the P2 will corner away from Puneet and not help him stay in the house?
Dimpy too hasn't been favorites of many decreasing her chances of winning votes among housemates.
With such an important decision in the hands of the contestants, especially of those who have been despised frequently for their actions, this eviction could have major repercussions in the weeks ahead.
I'm too nervous to see who leaves and who stays!
Psst…I also heard that Praneet went up to hug Puneet but the latter turned away completely, disinterested in being courteous. Wow, talk about ending week on a sour note!