There is a very strong cold war going on between Upen and Diandra for past few days. Both of them take turns to talk against each other with other housemates. A simple misunderstanding between the two has affected their strong friendship in such a way that they both aren’t able to stand each other. The two have been good friends even before they entered in the show but something related to past captain-ships and their nominations has created the differences slowly and now making them look more obvious. Apparently,both of them feel that the other had been partial in past when it came to decide who they think is most suitable for captain-ship, and ever since then they have carried little hard feelings for each other. Remember at one point in time they couldn't do without each other?
But the shit hit the roof after the ‘Qurbaani’ task. Upen lost his cool telling others that he has had enough of betrayal from Diandra. Actually, as per the new task Di put most of her stuff on Karishma’s weighing machine and did not offer anything for Upen. Diandra giving her justification said she did that because she genuinely wanted Karishma to win this time as she is her friend too and that Upen has already won the captain-ship once. So, Karishma in her eyes was more deserving because everyone should get one fair chance! Upen somewhere felt that Di was doing this because they both weren’t in talking terms since few days and that she didn’t really bother about her relation with him getting little bitter.Oh Upen! not good to assume things, I feel you should always talk it out to avoid further misunderstandings.
Will they ever be friends again? Or Diandra is already happy having Gautam back?
Hoping for peace and friendships in the house!