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Luv Kush

Luv Kush colorstv-Luv Kush dates to the magical era when Lord Ram-Sita return to Ayodhya after their fourteen years of exile while Sita is an expectant mother. Celebrations galore and they are welcomed amidst festivities, but the happiness is short-lived. Lord Ram is met with a wave of despair as he finds Ayodhya vasis questioning Sita's morals and purity post her return from Lanka. While this baffles Ram, Sita senses his dilemma. She decides to leave Ayodhya to uphold her and every woman’s honor and Ram as a husband supports her decision. Beneath the quiet and submissive exterior of Sita, lies immeasurable power. She endures the courage to live by herself and gives birth to Luv and Kush. While they are oblivious to their lineage, they imbibe the same wisdom and compassion as their father Ram. They face adversities and overcome them like true warriors which leads them to reunite Ram-Sita, thus completing the eternal epic, Ramayan.