Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat
Mon-Fri 9PM
Fiction, Mythological

The serial tell us about Ashoka – Right from his struggle as a younger child of Bindusara to how he rose to power, his state of expiation after the bloodbath of Kalinga, and finally his journey towards Buddhism.
A new mythological series Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat starring Siddharth Nigam in the lead role of emperor Ashoka. Young Ashoka's journey was set in motion when Chanakya set out to look for Bindusara to take over the throne and protect Magadh from the Greek Army General, Seleucus Nicator his daughter Helena and her son Justin. Being Chandragupta Maurya's wife, Helena wanted to usurp the throne from her step son, Bindusara and make her own son, Justin the king of Magadh. However, all was not well even upon Bindusara's return. Magadh's future remained uncertain with everyone's thirst for the throne. In an attempt to look for the rightful heir to succeed Bindusara's reign, Chanakya traced Dharma. Bindusara's wife and Ashoka in the forest and brought them to Magadh. But the transition wasn't an easy one. Ashoka came to Magadh with a sense of vengeance. His sole purpose was to restore his mother's honour and secure a spot in the Mauryan Empire for her once it was revealed to him that the King of Magadh, Bindusara was his sire.
Helena in order to get Chanakya out of the way plans an evil plot against him to get him killed. Just before dying, Chanakya tells Ashoka that the only way he could save his motherland was to become the king Magadh. Ashoka on return to Magadh asks his father to crown him the prince after Radhagupta reminds him of the promise that he gave Chanakya on his death bed. With Sushim already up for the coronation race, will Bindusara change his mind and make Ashoka the king? Stay tuned to find out.