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LG Mallika-e-Kitchen is a cookery show concept that is emanating from this very belief. But, it is not just another cookery show where you get to learn a recipe or two by a celebrated chef. It is a cookery show where we celebrate cooking, we celebrate people who love to cook. But wait, it�s not just that� At LG Mallika-e-Kitchen we have a traditional cook who takes pride in her culinary skills…. believes its not just the food but the way she cooks it, her feelings, her warmth that makes it taste good…for her a gadget like microwave is for heating purposes only… and then there is a modern day woman, who prefers to cook in a microwave…it is quick, non messy and much higher on nutritional values… A set based cookery show where two contestants challenge each other on their culinary skills. The challenge is to cook same dish but in different modes. One cooks in the traditional way and the other challenger in a Microwave. Our anchor Shruti Seth with our two contestants presents to our viewers a visual treat and our creative cuisine specialist Chef Kaviraj provides the pros and cons, the nutritional benefits of a dish while also guiding and scrutinizing our contestants. But it doesn�t end there, each episode we are joined on the sets by a surprise celebrity guest to taste and judge the cooking and announce the winner who will be crowned as the Mallika-e-Kitchen and she also takes home a brand new LG Microwave