Last week has been really tense for Ranvir and Ishani and his fans! The adorable couple, which was just about to revisit their wedding vows, fell apart because of unforeseen circumstances. Ishani is now sitting in jail for the murder of Chirag which she may or may not have committed and is trying her best to break all ties with Ranvir so he doesn’t love her anymore. But can true love be written off this easily? And is it so easy to break up IshVir? Well, even if Ishani claims to not be in love with Ranvir there have been moments when she has played the perfect wife and that none of us can deny. So let’s take a relook at all those moments in which we know Ishani’s Aashiqui was only for Ranvir!
1.Remember the time Disha and her friends tried to insult Ranvir in his own party by treating him like a valet? Well, it didn’t take much time for Ishani to step in and save her husband’s honour in front of the guests. She thoroughly scolded Disha and her friends for misbehaving with her husband Ranvir and listed down honorable qualities about him which none of them could match. She couldn’t be any more of a ‘wifey’ in that situation!
2.There was again a party in which Disha tried to get Ranvir drunk so he would embarrass himself. And did Disha’s prediction come true! Ranvir danced away to glory in an intoxicated state but thanks to Ishani and her loyalty towards him she too participated in his awkward dance and saved her husband’s face. Wife ho toh aisi!
3.The moment Ishani got to know that Disha has stolen diamonds from the company which is under Ranvir’s name she immediately got the company transferred to her name so the robbery blame would fall on her instead of Ranvir and even got jailed for it. She’s a gem of a wife!
4.Every time Amba has insulted Ishani or Ranvir has tried to act cold towards her Ishani has taken it all in her stride because she knew that her love is true. She kept her calm, fulfilled her role of a wife and remained by Ranvir’s side come what may.
5.Recently with the murder of Chirag, Ishani is under the belief that Ranvir has killed him and just to safeguard him from arrest she created proofs against herself so that the police arrest her instead of Ranvir. Now we may not know who actually killed Chirag but this courageous act by Ishani deserves applauds! She has proven that her Aashiqui only lies for Ranvir and she can go to any length to protect him from harm.
Do you think this current situation will separate Ranvir and Ishani forever? Or will their true love win against all odds? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!