The show has almost reached to an end many things are happening randomly and without any predictions. Looks like even the housemates are prepared to face anything and everything that might follow at any given point. We all saw the Drama that happened during the last task. And no doubt they all tried playing it well but unfortunately nobody could win.
Later during the evening everyone seemed tired and drowsy because of the lack of rest. But had to stay awake until the lights went off and just then during late night everyone got another shock! They were all called outside as Bigg Boss announced the next eviction, declaring that one member even though would leave the house that moment but would start of another hopeful journey.They found 6 bikers, who rode the bikes inside the house. As the 6 house mates were asked to sit on each bike, the bikes took rounds. And then suddenly one bike took one of them out, breaking the walls! Trust me it was just like you see in Bollywood movies. It was one of the best evictions so far! Full action packed!
But who left the house?
You would know in tonight's episode!