‘Aage kuaan, peche khaai’ this saying holds true for Bhuvan’s latest quandary, albeit, in the darkest context. While, as a father, Bhuvan is happy about the fact that one of his daughters could break herself free from the shackles of slavery as a bonded labour, but at the same time he can not see other daughter facing the brunt of her elder sister’s bravery.
Since Chakor has gone, it is Imli who has gone to the haveli as a replacement of ‘bandhva majdoor’. However, Imli’s failing health has made it fatal for her to work in the haveli anymore. Nothing could help Bhuvan and Kasturi from saving their younger daughter’s life, but Chakor herself.
The biggest irony of Bhuvan’s life now is the two extremes of his daughters’ fate. The rate at which Chakor is growing as a student in her new life is the same as Imli’s deteriorating health in the haveli. To save Imli from dying, he will have to sacrifice Chakor’s new life, which would mean a brutal sacrifice of her dreams and aspirations.
Would a father plead his daughter to sacrifice her freedom to save her sister? Isn’t murdering dreams as vile as murdering a person? Will Bhuvan reach out to Chakor? Share what you feel in the comments section below!