With so many singers in the house, I have turned into a shayar and my heart says, ' Daar ke Aagaye Jeet hai ki Suyyash ki ‘Angry man’ feat hai?'
While the score is increasing on the scales of double trouble, the luxury budget challenge is not a new entrant to the massive menace that can lead to tons of arguments and foul mood on the show. The housemates have already been introduced to the luxury budget challenge ‘Phobia’. Looks like the contestants will not just sneak a bite of fear but get themselves to dine with it face to face to sail through well and win this challenge.
The challenge kick started with Roopal and Digangna facing Omphalophobia, fear of navel button. Ankit and Arvind had to face Globophobia, fear of balloons. The third pair faced Obesophobia the fear of becoming fat and was performed by by Yuvika and Vikas.
As the day drew to an end the fourth challenge of Peladophobia, the fear of becoming bald, stood in the face of Rimi and Suyyash. Rimi declined from taking up the challenge and even though Suyyash had no qualms of performing the challenge he had to back out because of Rimi.
Let’s prick a little needle onto the thought bubble of ‘all is well that ends well’. Trypanophobia – the fear of needles is going to greet Suyyash and Rimi who backed out from their earlier challenge. The task involves the duo to get a permanent tattoo of Bigg Boss done and Rimi turns it down without a second thought .This catches a wrong nerve of the angry young man Suyyash. The battle is going to get feisty sans the arrow. The needle should poke fine! I can feel the pinch Suyyash!
Will Rimi agree finally on doing the task or not? Will Suyyash be able to teach Rimi – Daarna Maana Hai? No wounds just wars, right Bigg Boss!
Bigg Boss Khabri!