Welcoming his Prem Ratan Dhan Payo co-star Sonam Kapoor, superstar Salman Khan kick-started the Sunday episode. Elated to have Sonam on Bigg Boss Nau, Salman makes a grand entry with the lady by shaking a leg with her on the title track – Prem Ratan Dhan Payo. The duo then speak about their experience of shooting together for the film in Rajasthan and how Sonam had to battle swine flu. To Sonam’s surprise, Salman went on to say that Sonam sings that title song quite melodiously while she sings her favorite line from the song. Further Salman takes Sonam inside the house through ME TV to interact with the housemates. Being influenced strongly by Mandana’s accent, Salman Khan makes a grammatical error while interacting with Sonam Kapoor and blames the Iranian lass for his folly.
When Salman asks Aman Verma who he believes will be eliminated from the house, Aman says he would not be surprised if Arvind-Ankit or Digangana-Roopal were evicted. Adding further, he says that it would be shocking if Vikas and Yuvika got eliminated! Playing a fun guessing game with the housemates, Salman Khan shows a volley of candid pictures of the inmates and asks them to guess what the person might be thinking at that moment. Showing them four pictures – Keith giving Mandana a massage while enjoying a pedicure from girlfriend Rochelle, Rochelle giving an almost cock-eyed expression, Rimi staring into nothingness, Ankit’s funny body language while talking and Digangana looking at her Rapunzel-like hair – Salman Khan enjoys getting the inmates’ perspective while leaving them in spits. Further, we also see Salman Khan playing an intense compatibility test with the inmates. Testing the compatibility of the contestants, Salman Khan has each pair write answers to his questions on 2 different white boards facing away from each other.
During the Snapdeal call of the week, Keith is asked why he never took a stand for Rochelle when Mandana said that his girlfriend is not the brightest ray of sunshine in the house. Defending herself, Rochelle says that her emotions are way stronger than any plotting or planning anyone wants to do in the house.
With the first contestant getting eliminated from the house tonight, the anticipation in the house is so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Whose journey in the house will be the most short-lived one?