The task ended but Sambhavna’s anger on Dimpy’s behavior didn’t end there. Just after the task got over, Sambhavna fumed in anger as she shouted at Dimpy, in fact, using foul language too. She was highly agitated by the comments she was passing while she was at the task, when at the same time while Gautam was performing it nobody from the Champions team disturbed him. Sambhavna same way expected she wouldn’t be disturbed too, especially Dimpy doing that wasn’t expected at all. In no time the fight took and ugly turn wherein both Dimpy and Sambhavna bad mouthed each other.When the two didn’t have it enough, they both sat opposite and spoke ill words against each other. There was a moment it looked as if they were never ever friends! Both of them tried blackmailing each other telling they would reveal inside secrets with others. The two also let down the other saying what was the‘Asliyat’ behind the fake goodness that was being projected.
And you know what could have happen after that? Dimpy went howling, saying how she had started having feelings like her mother in Sambhavna, who just one day back was applying pain reliefs to her. Rahul came by her side trying to console her. Dimpy was feeling absolutely devastated by hearing a few comments that Sambhavna made and were too personal! While crying, she told Rahul that even if Sambhavna would say more things about her, for that matter abuse her, she would be okay as she had that hearing power and though she cries she had the capability to take harsh words.
Did Rahul talk to Sambhavna about it? Will he act as a support to Dimpy? Who was the real culprit in the entire facade?
Watch tonight!