Chakor's life has proved to be an inspiration for many as she continues to fight against all odds and make a future. Past week we saw her absorb the idea of education and how it will not only benefit her future but also her sister Imli's and many such kids who are under the burden of bonded labour.
At such a young age it is inspiring and heart-warming to see Chakor think so rationally about her future and make actual efforts to make it possible for everyone around. Her attempts to study at all hours and insist on learning each lesson with fervour just goes on to prove that where there's a will there's a way. Ishwar has taught a very important lesson of life to Chakor that if she gets educated she will be able to help free Imli and many other kids from her village from the ill-practices of bonded labour. Taking note of this, Chakor is now studying at all odd hours and even was seen getting ready to go on school on a Sunday!
If all kids and more importantly if all parents were to take this lesson into consideration, the future of this country will see a new level of upliftment. Kids like Chakor go on to become an epitome of hope and in every little way aspire young minds to grow and make this country a better place.
Sometimes we too take our education as granted and don't understand the importance of it but seeing Chakor strive to bring in a change via education acts as a reminder that education truly can bring about a change, if we wish to see it!
Are you inspired seeing Chakor's journey? Tell us what do you think about her efforts in the comments below!