Just as thought, fireworks are in the air with the entry of Padosi house contestants. While Sapna and Imam broke apart even before Nirahua and Aashka could open their mouth about all that he did in the Padosi house, Urvashi has been the target of Aashka since the day she entered. As expected, Aashka along with her best friends – Delnaz and Sana is ganging up against Urvashi. Being in the padosi house, and watching all that was happening in the modern house, Aashka had practiced giving it back to Urvashi a zillion times in her head. Grabbing the opportunity with both her hands, Aashka is seen talking to Delnaz and Sana in tonight's episode about how Urvashi was the one who always stood up for Siddhu-ji but is now doing just the opposite of what he preached. She talks about how Urvashi has just managed to lose everyone's trust by mimicking everyone right after the evictions on Friday. According to Aashka, it was a very shallow act that reflected on Urvashi's persona and that she has no right to make fun of anyone's emotions in such a flamboyant manner. Agreeing to all that Aashka was saying, Delnaz and Sana are surely glad to have Aashka back as their support system against Urvashi. As entertaining as it can get, looks like a showdown between these ladies is not far away.