First day of the task is over. When I saw last it was Ali, who had flicked two steps away. And that was it. It looked like the game was over then and there. This was follwoed by fights and allegations and went on through the entire night, but none of the teams was able to go further ahead in the task. Everyone was almost tired by the second day but still didn’t give up. The funniest part was Gautam talking to his team, as the whole time he kept strategizing on how to accomplish their mission notwithstanding the zero displacement. *Heeheehaha* It could be a turn-off for Karishma and Gautam’s fans. Because without even planning and strategizing the Challengers team was doing their part exceptionally well.
KT and team was once again planning on how they could play a prank on them by faking injury. Just like when KT was knocked down by the glass door, cutting her forehead as the blood oozed out, that time everyone was involved in the ‘Museum’ task but left everything there and then to come and pick her up. Dimpy said this could work, making them feel distracted for a while and them taking the the advantage of the situation. Dimpy also suggested to use red nail polish in order to fake the injury.
You think this will work? The task is not just a task but has become a mission for the two teams.Who will win can you say?
I’ll try and figure out!