Upen has been on toes as the “Kaarya Sanchaalak” and had been working equally hard to keep monitoring the contenders inside the cage. He had genuinely started respecting the spirit of the contenders, who were still inside the cage. So much so, that he went on saying that the three inside the cage were the real champions of the house. On top of all, coming this far just for a task was truly commendable and was even more worth appreciation than winning.
Upen said whether any of the three won or not but they were the real fighters in the house. Recalling the past, Upen said, ‘Torture cage’ was the toughest task till date and the contenders inside were the real winners. These were not just mere words by Oopi but heartfelt, which worked as energy boosters for Gautam, Pritam and Dimpy.
I wish I could also scream and say Go Go Go!!!