We all have been discussing Pritam’s captaincy throughout the week. Where Gautam, Puneet and Dimpy have blamed him to be partial he did find some support in Ali, Praneet, Karishma and Upen. His hard decisions such as to nominate his ‘guruji’ Puneet and his help towards Karishma surely raised a few doubts. But everyone may have their opinions surely you all like me are waiting to know what Salman has to say about all this!
So this is what news I could gather from my sources. When in Weekend ka Vaar Pritam’s captaincy came into question Salman said that he found Pritam’s growth as contestant commendable. And this is because he took his own stand instead of listening to Puneet.
Salman further went on to comment that he can see the groups have split and have become ‘jodis’ or pairs. It’s more of PGD (Puneet, Gautam, Dimpy) and P2 (Pritam and Praneet).
Wow! That’s some feedback by Salman right! How much do you agree with him? You can discuss this in the comments below and meanwhile I shall go find some more khabar from Weekend ka Vaar!