This day is dedicated to all those under privileged children, who are forced to work at such a tender age, for they have no means to lead a normal life, let alone luxury and to shape their future with education. This brings in a very strong message to our society where all of us are ignorant and could completely walk past, leaving these little ones unnoticed.
There is so much potential in these little kids, all we need to do is to spot it at an young age. Instead, we choose to let them be; begging, selling things of no importance on the traffic signal or just succumb to ill-practice. While we all have been hanging ourselves on everyday's bickering; refusing to believe what we see, some of these little kids have been fighting with their destiny to change their life's story.
One such story that highlights innocence that got burdened before it could bloom, is Udaan. The story of Chakor, about being one of those unfortunate children, who are born to be a ‘bonded labor’.
It’s a slap across society's face, which despite being educated, become a part of this. Chakor in her innocent little ways speaks a lot about what action we need to take today. It’s our responsibility to take charge and bring this practice to a stop.
Today, on World Child Labour Day, let's pledge to change one such life and give it a meaning.