This thought has been troubling Pritam since a very long time. In fact, this morning he shared his worry with Ali and others about how he has been in the house for more than four months, and has become used to with the habit of Bigg Boss keeping a close eye on all his moves along with others. He was seen telling Ali that the life outside would be so different when he wouldn’t have Bigg Boss to direct them. Nobody would be there to prompt, there would be no restrictions, no discipline, not even Kukdookoo which had somewhere made him quite alert of his behaviours and acts. He said that he had started taking extra caution and guard on himself. Even though the house didn’t allow other technological luxuries, but gave something very big in return! Realization of knowing oneself, realization of how to tackle different people, realization of how to control emotions, realization of remaining disciplined which carries lots of importance in life. Without all of these great things that he has been so used to, how will he be able to survive and tackle things in the outer world was Pritam's concern.
My advice, the way you were new when you came to the house and adjusted to environment, same way you would be able to resume the REAL world too ‘Pyaare Pritam’.
That’s what Bigg Boss teaches them all inside!