Relax! Before you starting thinking too much I want to tell you that this was just a punishment to KT and Rahul by teacher Farah Khan during the weekend. Rahul and Karishma were asked to put same handcuff in each hand of theirs so that they could stay together all the time. The Key to the handcuff was handed over to Ali, who was directed to unlock the two only when they had to do their respective jobs. *Ehehehe* It was funny to see both moving together all the time.The best or worst part you could say was the indefinite time they were asked to keep the handcuff on for. The entire miasma that was created during the task last week, ended up with them being clasped together.
The two were getting annoyed with the arrangement, and at least KT must have been repenting on her behavior, if not Rahul. Ali, who is superb at giving innovative punishments caught Rahul, Pritam and KT as they broke an important rule of the house. He asked them all to stand at one place and in the form of punishment the trio was asked to sing and dance on nursery rhymes. The hilarious bit was to watch the three actually going back to their childhood as they sang ‘Twinkle Twinkle little stars’ and many more famous rhymes.
Catch the episode tonight @ 9pm