For all the Thapki fans out there, get ready with your tub of popcorn because there is immense drama in store for you!
While the current track features Dhruv and Thapki’s marriage sequence, simultaneously we also see how hard Vasu and Bihaan are trying to the stop the wedding. Bihaan is determined to put a stop to the wedding because of Vasu’s desire.. However, all their dirty tricks fail and the truth is exposed, and Balvinder orders the two to stay away from the house until the wedding is over. Vasu out of helplessness and in a fit of anger cuts her wrist.
In the coming episodes we will see Bihaan sneaking into Dhruv’s room when he is about to leave for the mandap where everyone is waiting and the naive Thapki would bee seen dreaming of her marriage to her ‘Dhruv Sir’
In an effort to stop Dhruv from entering the mandap, Bihaan will lock him up in the room following which he will hit Dhruv with a rod therby making him unconscious. The story will take a twist, when Vasu will order Bihaan to go and marry Thapki disguised as Dhruv.
Will Bihaan obey Vasu’s orders? Will Dhruv and Thapki’s stop midway? Stay tuned and watch out this space for more updates.