When we say ‘Bal ka Prayog’ immediately I’ve an image of Puneet in my mind! And that is because he has been warned about it in almost all the tasks! In the ‘Museum’ task too Karishma complained that she got physically hurt when Puneet pushed her but the matter wasn’t taken up then.
But don’t fret Karish fans, because it definitely hasn’t gone unnoticed by Salman! He brought out the topic in Weekend ka Vaar and straightforward asked Puneet to be careful when playing a task because very clearly he had pushed Tanna hard.
Salman even questioned Pritam that why as a Captain he didn’t say anything about it to which our Pyaare replied that he couldn’t really say the things he wanted to say because of Puneet’s seniority.
Well well, now that Punzz has been directly told off by Salman I hope he will take his advice seriously. Who else do you think will come under Salman’s Vaar this weekend? I can’t wait to find out if there’s going to be eviction or what’s Bigg Boss’ plan!
Until I find more news, ciao!